JavaScript ObjectsThis section does not describe the handling of objects in JavaScript since it is assumed the reader possesses object oriented knowledge. It provides information about the creation of JavaScript objects, templates, constructors, and more.Object CreationGenerally objects may be created using the following syntax:name = new Object() For instance Array, Date, Number, Boolean, and String objects can be created this way as in the example below. Most objects may be created this way except for the Math object which cannot be instantiated (an instance of it may not be created). ratings = new Array(6,9,8,4,5,7,8,10) var home = new String("Residence") var futdate = new Date() var num1 = new Number()String objects may also be created as follows: var string = "This is a test." Object TemplateObjects are created using templates. Templates to objects are like cookie cutters to cookies. Cookie cutters are used to create instances of cookies and object templates are used to create instances of objects. For now, the template is shown. The following creates an object, olist.function olist(elements) { this.elements = elements this.listitems = new Array(elements) this.getItem = list_getItem this.setItem = list_setItem }The methods list_setItem and list_getItem are written as follows: function list_getItem(element) { return this.listitems(element) } function list_setItem(element, stringval) { this.listitems(element) - stringval } | |
Creating the Object
var list1 = new olist(10)
Changing the Object
list1.setItem(0,"This is the first item in the list") list1.setItem(1,"This is the second item in the list") list1.setItem(2,"This is the third item in the list")
The Prototype property
The prototype property can be used to create new properties of created objects (whether they are user defined or system defined) as follows:list1.prototype.type = "1"
The Function Constructor
Creation:minus2 = new Function("x","return x-2")
Usage: y = minus2(10)
The value of y is now 8. Object use
When writing JavaScript, you are embedding the JavaScript in an object. These objects may have functions. An example function is the alert() function. It may be called as follows:alert("An error occurred!")
However, the window object is the highest level JavaScript object, therefore the following code does the same thing: window.alert("An error occurred!")
The following code using the "this" object declaration will perform the same: this.alert("An error occurred!")
Object and Property Reference
Objects and their properties are normally referenced using a dot between each object or its property or method. as follows:document.write("This is a test.")
However, a method called array notation, may be used. Array notation is required when the first character of a property name is a digit since the dot method may not be used in this case. The above example in array notation is: document ["write"] ("This is a test.")
Levels of Objects
JavaScript has basically three types of objects which are:- Top level objects
- Objects that are properties of other objects
- Objects that are not properties of other objects
- Object Creation and Use
- Object Hierarchy
Independent Objects
- Array Object
- Date Object
- Math Object
- Number and Boolean Object
- String Object
Main Object
- Navigator Object
Navigator Objects
- Window Object
- MimeType Object
- Plugin Object
Window Sub Objects
- Document Object
- Location Object
- History Object
- Frame Object
Document Sub Objects
- Anchor Object
- Applet Object
- Area Object
- Form Object
- Image Object
- Layer Object
- Link Object
Form Sub Objects
- Button Object
- Checkbox Object
- FileUpload Object
- Hidden Object
- Option Object
- Password Object
- Radio Object
- Reset Object
- Select Object
- Submit Object
- Text Object
- Textarea Object
Hierarchy Objects | |||
Object | Properties | Methods | Event Handlers |
Window | defaultStatus frames opener parent scroll self status top window | alert blur close confirm focus open prompt clearTimeout setTimeout | onLoad onUnload onBlur onFocus |
Frame | defaultStatus frames opener parent scroll self status top window | alert blur close confirm focus open prompt clearTimeout setTimeout | none (The onLoad and onUnload event handlers belong to the Window object) |
Location | hash host hostname href pathname por protocol search | reload replace | none |
History | length forward go | back | none |
Navigator | appCodeName appName appVersion mimeTypes plugins userAgent | javaEnabled | none |
document | alinkColor anchors applets area bgColor cookie fgColor forms images lastModified linkColor links location referrer title vlinkColor | clear close open write writeln | none (the onLoad and onUnload event handlers belong to the Window object. |
image | border complete height hspace lowsrc name src vspace width | none | none |
form | action elements encoding FileUpload method name target | submit reset | onSubmit onReset |
text | defaultValue name type value | focus blur select | onBlur onCharge onFocus onSelect |
| ||||||||||||||||||
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